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A day in the life...

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Amanda Striper 1.jpg
Keira Proline Mackerel 2.jpg
Carter mackerel proline 1.jpg
aria carter dogfish head wave.jpg
capt mike .jpg
amanda sabiki rod.jpg
camp ellis american flag fishing pole.jpg
aria bow.jpg
Striper 3_edited.jpg
Ted Striper_edited.jpg
Aria Miss Boothbay.jpg
Catching her first striped bass in Maine
aria boat ride.JPG
aria mackerel dock_edited.jpg
aria pole beach.jpg
carter keira hendricks lighthouse_edited
david henriquez.jpg
david h.jpg
durward and me.PNG
durward fish on.jpg
j du sunrise.jpg
mike durward me.JPG
phil striper.jpg
mike striper.jpg
soph and me close up fish.jpg
striper underwater.PNG
aria boat smile.jpg
carter striper.jpg
griffith .jpg
hendricks sunrise.jpg
J Du Albie.jpg
TJ .jpg
sunset fly fishing.jpg
dan and me.JPG
me bent rod.jpg
sunset boat.jpg
The thrill of catching a striped bass in Boothbay Maine
quinn fishing.jpg
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